Public Registry – Council & Committee Pecuniary Interest
Council Members who declare Pecuniary Interest
Public Registry for Council Members who have declared Pecuniary Interest
A new section 5.1 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires a member to file a written statement after the member discloses a pecuniary interest under section 5. A new section 5.2 of the Act prohibits a member from influencing certain decisions or recommendations where the member has a pecuniary interest in the matter being considered.
New section 6.1 of the Act requires municipalities and local boards to establish and maintain registries that keep copies of statements filed under section 5.1 and of declarations recorded under section 6.
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50
Disclosure to be recorded in minutes
6 (1) Every declaration of interest and the general nature thereof made under section 5 shall, where the meeting is open to the public, be recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the clerk of the municipality or secretary of the committee or local board, as the case may be. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, s. 6 (1).
(2) Every declaration of interest made under section 5, but not the general nature of that interest, shall, where the meeting is not open to the public, be recorded in the minutes of the next meeting that is open to the public. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, s. 6 (2).
Note: On March 1, 2019, the day named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, the Act is amended by adding the following section: (See: 2017, c. 10, Sched. 3, s. 5)
Requirement to establish registry
6.1 (1) Every municipality and local board shall establish and maintain a registry in which shall be kept,
(a) a copy of each statement filed under section 5.1; and
(b) a copy of each declaration recorded under section 6. 2017, c. 10, Sched. 3, s. 5.
Access to registry
(2) The registry shall be available for public inspection in the manner and during the time that the municipality or local board, as the case may be, may determine. 2017, c. 10, Sched. 3, s. 5.
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
The following chart shows the declarations of pecuniary interest. If you would like to see the original documents, please call the Municipal Clerk at 613 338-2811 ext. 277 to make an appointment, or email: [email protected]
2023/2024 Public Registry
Date | Council/Committee Meeting | Name | Item | Direct/Indirect Pecuniary Interest Declared |
General Nature |
February 19, 2025 | Regular Meeting of Council | Tammy Davis |
g i) Report Bylaw 2025-017 Volunteer Firefighter Honorarium Policy |
My spouse is a Volunteer on the Hastings Highlands Fire Department. This bylaw included remuneration of the same. | Direct |
March 6, 2024 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Roger Davis |
Item 15B i |
Direct | Trustee on cemetery committee |
March 6, 2024 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Keith Buck |
#10, Reports and Bylaws from Departments, part b, Administration, 2024 Miscellaneous Grant Program Application Requests, no. 23, Bancroft Area Stewardship Council |
Indirect | I am a Co-Vice Chair of the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council |
February 7, 2024 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Roger Davis |
15 B ii Emmanuel Cemetery |
Direct | Trustee on cemetery committee |
December 6, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations & Planning | Roger Davis | Item 18A & 18B Emmanuel Cemetery | Direct | Trustee on cemetery committee |
November 15, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations | Roger Davis | 15. Motions Emmanual Cemetary | Direct | I am a trustee on the committee |
November 9, 2023 | Committee of Adjustment Meeting | Brad Smith | A-27-2023 | Direct | Property owner at 180 Sheldon Lane |
November 1, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Roger Davis | 11. Delegations | Direct | I am a trustee on the committee |
September 20, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations and Planning | Tammy Davis | Finance Department item g i) Bylaw 2023-090 Volunteer Firefighter Honorarium Policy | Direct | My spouse is a volunteer Firefighter |
August 16, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations and Planning | Tammy Davis | Finance Department item a ii) Draft Bylaw 2023-090 Vol.Firefighter Hon. Policy | Direct | My spouse is a volunteer Firefighter |
August 10, 2023 | Committee of Adjustment | Shaun Collier | A-17-2023 and A-18-2023 | Direct | I am an owner of the property being considered by the Committee |
June 28, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations and Planning | Tony Fitzgerald | 14 c) ix Transfer of Road and Development Agreement | Indirect | Agreement is with my son. |
May 17, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Operations | Tammy Davis | Clerks Dept item i) VON – Extension of Use Agreement | Indirect | My parent routinely attends this program |
May 3, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Tony Fitzgerald | Section 15 a) i) Amend Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw |
Direct | This re-zoning application is for my son |
April 6, 2023 | Committee of Adjustment | Dan Robinson | A-3-2021 | Direct | I am the applicant/owner |
April 5, 2023 |
Regular Meeting of Council, Planning and Operations | Deputy Mayor T. Davis | 15 Reports item h. Finance Dept. i) 2023 Draft Operating Budget |
Direct | A question was asked referring to Council’s Back the Cat donation to the Quinte Healthcare North Hastings. Deputy Mayor left chambers and did not vote on this item as this is her place of employment |
March 1, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Deputy Mayor T. Davis | Back the Cat Motion to Rescind | Direct | The Back the Cat Campaign from Quinte Health North Hastings hospital is from my place of employment |
March 1, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Mayor Fitzgerald | 15 a) vi) Fitzgerald Transfer | Indirect | The transfer of part of Hillsview Rd to the Municipality is from the land owned by my brother. |
February 22, 2023 | Special Meeting of Council | Deputy Mayor T. Davis | Motion ‘Back the Cat’ | Direct | The Back the Cat Campaign from Quinte Health North Hastings hospital is from my place of employment |
February 1, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Councillor R. Davis | HH Public Library Board Applicants in open and closed session. | Direct | One of the applicant’s is my spouse. |
February 1, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning | Deputy Mayor T. Davis | Motion from Councillor R. Davis re: Donation to ‘Back the Cat’ Campaign | Direct | The Back the Cat Campaign from Quinte Health North Hastings hospital is from my place of employment |
January 18, 2023 | Regular Meeting of Council, Planning and Operations | Deputy Mayor T. Davis | 22 Correspondence item f. Back the Cat | Direct | Information provided related to Back the Cat Campaign from Quinte Health North Hastings hospital is from my place of employment |