HH Media Release - Missing Signs 2025
March 5, 2025
For Immediate Release: Missing Signage in Hastings Highlands
Maynooth, ON
The Municipality of Hastings Highlands is reaching out to the community to raise awareness regarding a troubling increase in missing road signs throughout our area.
In recent weeks, a growing number of intersection road signs have gone missing. This has led to unexpected financial costs for the Municipality, as funds that could otherwise be allocated to other services are now being diverted to replace the missing signage. The impact of this situation is not just a matter of financial concern; it also poses a risk to the safety and well-being of the public. Missing or damaged road signs can lead to confusion for drivers and emergency responders, which may increase the risk of accidents and delay emergency response times.
The Bancroft OPP Detachment has been made aware of these incidents, and local scrap metal businesses across neighbouring counties have been notified to help identify and prevent the illegal disposal of these stolen signs.
To help address this issue and minimize further disruption, we are asking the public to assist by reporting any missing signs they encounter while traveling our roads. Timely reporting will enable us to replace the signs promptly, ensuring that our roadways remain safe for everyone. We also encourage members of the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity that they may witness, such as individuals removing road signs from their locations.
Residents are asked to report missing signs by contacting our office at 613-338-2811, extension 202, or via Customer Service Request found on The Municipality’s website www.hastingshighlands.ca. Your cooperation and prompt action are greatly appreciated as we work together to maintain a safe and functional transportation system for all.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
For more information contact:
David Stewart, CAO
P: (613) 338-2811 x.289
E: [email protected]