Regular Meeting of Council, March 19, 2025
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Regular Meeting of Council 9:00 a.m.
Location: HH Council Chambers, 33011 Hwy 62, Maynooth, ON
Public: Please enter through the rear door of the Municipal Office Building. Seating is limited due to safety and accessibility requirements, and is available on a first-come, first-serviced basis. Meeting to be live-streamed and recorded for the public on YouTube.
The proposed Bylaws and/or Policies are available for viewing in the Council Agenda:
-Bylaw 2025-019 To Amend Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw for 377 North Baptiste Lake Road
-Bylaw 2025-027 To Authorize a Grant of Easement for the Lake St. Peter Waste Site
-Bylaw 2025-021 To Authorize the Use of Internet and Telephone Voting as an Alternative Voting Method for the 2026 Municipal Election and Subsequent Municipal Elections
-Bylaw 2025-022 To Amend Bylaw 2024-053 To Adopt a Policy with Respect to the Municipal Health and Safety Program
-Access to Tax Assessment Roll Policy
-Bylaw 2025-026 To Appoint a Bylaw Enforcement Officer
-Bylaw 2025-028 To Confirm the Proceedings of Council
Council will rise from the open session to go into Closed Session as permitted by the Municipal Act for the purpose of:
-Approval of minutes from the last Closed Session held on January 15, 2025;
Section 239(2) A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is
(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;
(d) labour relations or employee negotiations;
General Nature: Chief Administrative Officer Performance Evaluation for 2024