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Building and Construction

The Council for the Municipality of Hastings Highlands, property owners, developers, planners and the public play an important role in shaping a community.

The Municipality makes local planning decisions that will determine the future of communities and approves building permits to protect the interests of both individuals and the community as a whole.

The Planning Department provides advice, reviews applications, and makes recommendations to Council for planning applications and matters in accordance with Ontario’s Planning Act.

The Building Department reviews and approves building permit applications to ensure buildings comply with the Ontario Building Code, the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, and other applicable legislation.

An overview of changes to the 2024 Ontario Building Code can be found HERE.

Building Services

A building permit is your formal permission to begin construction or demolition. It means that the Municipality of Hastings Highlands has reviewed the plans for any proposed structure, addition or renovation for compliance with the Ontario Building Code, Zoning By-laws, and other Applicable laws and regulations.

The Chief Building Official is available, by appointment, to meet at the Maynooth Municipal Office between the following times:


10 AM to noon


10 AM to noon


*Please contact the Chief Building Official for an appointment and availability on Tel: 613 338 2811 ext. 255 or Email

Steps to Apply for a Building Permit

Building a new home, addition or accessory building can be both an exciting and daunting process, and it is always a good idea to involve Hastings Highlands’ Planning and Building Department at the early conceptual stages. 

Make sure that you have completed STEP 1 - Entrance Permit and 911 Number and STEP 2 - Planning Pre-Consultation before you apply for a Building Permit (STEP 3) 

To learn more visit Apply for a Building Permit

Annual Building Reports

Provincially Legislated Annual Report on Building Permit Fees 

As per Section 7 (4) of the Ontario Building Code Act (OBCA) Report of Fees - It is required that a municipality publish an Annual Report on fees every twelve (12) months.
The purpose of this report is to illustrate that building permit fees collected in Hastings Highlands do not exceed the expenditures to administer and enforce the Ontario Building Code (Section 7 (2) of the OBCA).
Furthermore, as per Section 7 (2) Fees - If the building permit fees collected in a twelve (12) month fiscal year exceed the expenditures to administer and enforce the Ontario Building Code, then the Municipality shall create/maintain a reserve balance. The reserve would be available to manage risks involved in a construction downturn or to fund one-time departmental capital requirements.

Call Before You Dig 

Are you thinking of digging as part of a project or home improvement (such as building a fence)? Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 before you dig. It is the law. Ontario One Call is a call centre that receives dig locate requests to make sure homeowners, diggers and property owners are safe when digging.

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